School House Rehab
Trying to leave our little slice of America better than we found it!Sunday Cookin': Healthy Homemade Applesauce
November 10, 2013
When I started this blog, I imagined it’d be filled with a bunch of posts about this ol’ school house with a few lifestyle and recipe posts mixed in, too. Well, most of my posts are definitely house-oriented, and there have been a few (very few) vacation posts, but I think I’ve slacked on the recipe front. A lot. As in, I’ve yet to post one. I want to change that.
Beaming Up
November 7, 2013
This is my first post since our baby announcement, so let me first say thank you for all the love! All of the comments totally made my day. We’re nearly halfway there and we are so stinkin’ excited! With the arrival of the baby come early Spring, I decided to revisit the old “2013 Goals List,” to see how we’re doing. You know, because I have sooooo much time left to get it all done in 2013.
Speaking of Kids... Some News!
October 22, 2013
Remember that post a couple of weeks back about some of my neurotic yard-keeping quirks and how having children of my own would help to alleviate the work load around here? Of course, I was joking. Mostly. Matt and I do want kids, but not for the sole reason of having yard helpers. (Although that will be quite nice!) We want kids because, well, a baby is something we’ve always wanted.
Grass Stories
October 17, 2013
A couple of years ago, Matt and I had a backyard bonfire at our house and our friend Stacey asked what plans we had for the space. I told her that along the stream, I envisioned tall grasses that would provide privacy for the backyard, as well as look pretty as they swayed with the wind. Something like this came to mind… Well. Stacey (yes, this is the same Stacey as Wine Stacey and Shakespeare Stacey) mentioned her parents were actually looking to split some of their tall grasses and that they’d (probably) be happy to give some up.
More Nightstand Love
October 4, 2013
There are four nightstands in this house, and I’ve refinished two of them. Two were already beautifully refinished by Matt’s dad. The first nightstand that I refinished was done all alone. Yep, I tackled it solo, sans hubby. It was a $12 tag sale find that spruced up really nicely with a quick sanding, chalk paint, and new hardware. The second nightstand was actually purchased before the first - a couple of years ago at Target, on clearance for $40.
Neurotic Nelly and Why I Need Kids
October 2, 2013
I have some landscaping quirks that really make my husband shake his head. He says the quirks border on neurotic. Well, call me Neurotic Nelly because I ain’t stoppin’. What kind of quirks, you may be asking? For starters, I prefer to trim the grasses that grow near the garden edges with garden shears. Yes, scissors. You know, instead of the gas powered trimmer that sits in the garage. It’s more time consuming, of course, but I think it does a nicer job of creating a neat look with no risk of hitting a part of the garden you might not want weed-whacked.
Suns Out, (Powerwashing) Guns Out
September 26, 2013
Even though painting over your head is the worst painting possible, I decided the porch ceiling was way overdue for some new paint. I even threw it on my 2013 House Goals. I’ll try to revist those next week to check on the progress because we are nearly 75% done with 2013. The porch ceiling was in really rough shape. The paint was chipping, there were mud dauber nests everywhere and an outdated, neglected light fixture was the cherry on top.
New Office Bling
September 18, 2013
Do new, upholstered chairs qualify as bling in your book? Clearly, they do in mine. I’m in love with the new additions to our cozy little office, and I came upon them for free. Yes, free bling. What’s better? If you didn’t know, our office started with brown pile carpeting and purple walls. Yum. Immediately upon closing on the house, we ripped up the carpet, pulled out all of the carpet nails, and had a professional hardwood refinishing company come in to sand down and refinish the floors.
I Haven't Forgotten...
September 8, 2013
…about you. My loyal readers. I know it’s been over two weeks since my last post, but I’ve been a busy little bee around here, and I can’t wait to share all of the random updates. In time. Don’t worry, you’re not the only ones being neglected. The lawn is probably close to 10” tall right now. I wish I was kidding. In lieu of a house post, (since I don’t have anything to share right this second) I’ll just do a picture post of things that have been keeping us busy the last few weeks.
Mexican Bamboo
August 23, 2013
You may be thinking the title of this post is creative slang for something we’ve done in the house recently. You’d be wrong. You may be thinking the title of this post is highlighting our recent trip to the Mexican Forest. You’d be wrong. That never happened, or will ever happen. Are there even forests in Mexico? I’ll research it. In fact, “Mexican Bamboo” refers to the 5th (Fifth!!!) most invasive plant species on Earth (Earth!