School House Rehab
Trying to leave our little slice of America better than we found it!Strainers Cost What?!
June 14, 2013
With our new sink and counters installed, it was time to make the sink functional. You know, so I could stop eating out 3x a day. This is what a new beautiful, but non-functioning sink looks like. We stopped into Home Depot late one night, and looked at all of the strainer options. We investigated a bunch of them, checking reviews online and cross referencing with the product in our hand, looking for build quality - a good weight and solid feel.
Steppin' Back
June 12, 2013
It might seem like I’m jumping back and forth between the front porch overhaul and the kitchen. Oh, wait. That’s because I am jumping back and forth between these two spaces. Bear with me as I tackle whatever project strikes me. If I can get the porch and the kitchen done before the first leaf turns this fall, I’ll be a happy homeowner. Last week, I shared the first part of our front porch overhaul.
What A Difference A Day Makes: The New Counters
June 10, 2013
I know what you’re thinking. “If I hear the words ‘new counters’ from this girl one more time, I’m going to lose it.” I hear you. So… I’m done. The counters are done. I’m smiling from ear to ear. Check ‘em out. I’m in love. I know I say that about a lot of things in this house, but these counters are different. (Kisses fingertips in an Italian-esque flourish.) I really love them.
Counters On The Excitement Spectrum
June 7, 2013
When I get home this evening, I will have new counters in my kitchen! (Cheers, applause and exclamations of joy from the crowd.) I know, right?! I’m ridiculously excited, too. I have to say, the new counters rank pretty high on my excitement spectrum. Those who know me will say I am easily excitable. I gueeesssss this is true… “We’re going for fro-yo?! Score! (Jumps up and down.) I’ve been thinking about it all day!
State of the Garden (Early June 2013)
June 5, 2013
Don’t try fighting it. We’re a few days into June, and Summer is nearly upon us. I have no idea where most of Spring went. Seriously, does anyone else feel like Spring had just sprung? We had such a beautiful April and such a rainy May that it seems the title of this post is the slogan for this year. Once June 21 hits, the days get shorter, and that thought gets me down, even though we’ll still have three full months of summer to enjoy.
Front Steppin'
June 3, 2013
We replaced our front steps. It was necessary. 3 reasons you know it’s necessary to replace your front steps: They bend severely when a 30 lb. toddler lays foot on them. You don’t order anything online for fear that UPS will sue you because of a courier injury. You spend 3 weeks stepping over the reeeaaallly droopy step in the middle for fear of it breaking. This makes hauling groceries especially frightening.
Removing Laminate Counters... With A Saw
May 28, 2013
Hoping you all had a great Memorial Day Weekend! Matt and I got a lot done. It was awesome. This post is mostly about our experience with removing our laminate counters last week, but here’s a sneak peak on what we had goin’ on this past weekend… Yep. Naked front steps. Maybe more non-existent and less naked, yes, but you get the idea. More on that later this week and back to the counter removal, shall we?
A Man Under Duress
May 22, 2013
The counter top guys are coming today to get an exact measure of our counter space. Yes! We are in the home stretch! In order for them to get a perfect measurement, we had to remove our sink and current counters. We’ve lived with them for three and a half years, and the yellow had. to. go. We knew the installers assigned this Wednesday appointment to us over two weeks ago, but we decided to wait until this past weekend to tackle it, since living without counters and a sink might prove difficult.
School House Road Trip: Amanda's Garden
May 22, 2013
I’m at it again. Road-tripping to help out with some DIY debacles in a little series I like to call “School House Road Trip.” Super creative name, I know. I’ve posted about a couple of School House Road Trips before. First, Matt and I cut down 13 overgrown, dying pine trees in my Nana’s yard on Cape Cod. Then, Matt and his brother, Nick, tackled a fallen tree on my mother-in-law’s home thanks to Hurricane Sandy.
Wining To Get Out Of The House
May 16, 2013
Sometimes, I’m willing to give up a beautiful, sunny Saturday around the house for an activity elsewhere. Sometimes. I’m pretty selective about what I do on the weekends. That’s mostly because I honestly wouldn’t want to be anywhere other than my house on a gorgeous, spring day. Lunch at my favorite restaurant? Pass. Laying out at the beach? Meh. Shopping? I’m good, thanks. Yet, when the opportunity arose for a little wining and dining at some local vineyards, I surprised myself and hopped on board.