School House Rehab
Trying to leave our little slice of America better than we found it!You're As Cold As Ice
February 5, 2013
Unbeknownst to me, icy cold air has been invading our bedroom forever. Super icy cold air. So icy that Matt’s neck would cramp up from the cold. Let me back up and fill you in a few things. I always knew the room was cold. After all, we lack heat in the room and all that. Let me back up again. Yeah, we don’t have heat in our bedroom. Yes, I’m serious.
Super Thoughts
February 3, 2013
Do not let the title of this post mislead you - these are in no way thoughts that can be characterized as super in any way, shape, or form. They are simply my thoughts and observations while watching this year’s Super Bowl. I pretty much nearly almost always root for the team that has the nicest colors. I don’t really love either team’s colors in this Super Bowl, so I instead picked my team based on city.
Super Thoughts, Round 2
February 3, 2013
Instead of actually watching the game, I’ve been typing out some minutes. You know, like I’m in a meeting writing down notes on what was said and what happened. I do look up at the big screen occasionally, when Matt screams out or yells about an amazingly good or amazingly bad play. And of course, I’m watching all of the commercials. Duh. I still can’t believe this Super Bowl pits brothers against each other.
Since I Wasn't Doing Anything Else...
January 28, 2013
Matt and I had a rare, treasured, “do nothing Saturday” this past weekend and I used it the best way I know how: fixing up a few things around the house. Shocker, I know. “Do nothing weekends” are weekends free of obligations or agendas. They’re amazing, and they only happen a few times a year. This past “do nothing Saturday,” I ripped apart our bedroom, scouring it clean (I even vacuumed the box spring and mattress).
Whatever Makes You Happy, Baby
January 25, 2013
If you follow me on Twitter, (find me @shouserehab) you might have read my teaser about updating some outdoor curb appeal in our sub-10 degree weather. Well, it was just that. A teaser. If you think I’m spending more than 42 seconds outside with that wind whipping at below zero, you’re craaazy. I’m not that hardcore. My skin is delicate, y’all. However, I was aware of the cold front approaching, and I sneaked* out to Home Depot to grab these to have Matt put them on the garage before the teeth chattering cold made it’s way to CT.
Thrift Morning To You!
January 16, 2013
This past Saturday, my mom had an errand to run in our neck of the woods so she and my dad drove up in the morning to join us for breakfast. I threw out the idea of a thrift shop pit stop (say that three times fast) after breakfast and my mom was game. My dad and Matt - well, they were in the car for breakfast anyway, so they had no choice but to join.
The Guest Room Is Done! (For Now...)
January 14, 2013
Finally, finally, finally!! The finishing work we started a few months ago has paid off. The larger of our two spare rooms is done! Or, as done as it can be for now. We still have to get the dressers in order when the warmer weather comes, but it’s done enough for me. Let’s start at the beginning, shall we? We affectionately call this room “Mike’s Room” because Matt’s brother Mike lived with us for a little while a couple of years ago.
Creating Whimsy
January 13, 2013
In the guest room sneak peek, I showed you guys the rug I bought for the space, as well as the fabric I was inspired by to update the larger of our two spare guest rooms. You might have also seen the paint color we chose, and some new white outlets. Well, the room is done! As done as it is for now, that is. The curtains are hung and we’re good to go.
15 Minutes to Functionality: A Linen Mess
January 11, 2013
My linen closet is organized, and let me tell you, I can sure breathe easier. I had all intentions of this space to be neat on a daily basis, since we’re in and out of it pretty regularly. I even grabbed a bunch of small bins from Target a while ago and labeled them so that everything had a place. My intentions were good. However, months later, we were looking a little worse for wear.
So I Tried To Make Some Art...
January 7, 2013
Smack dab in the middle of my to-do list (that turned out to be a fail) for late Fall sat a little nugget about DIYing some art for the guest room. So yes, on my to-do list was to make my own art. Crazy? Maybe. I’m really trying to put my own little touches on things as opposed to going to a store and buying something I like. We know I do enough of that.