School House Rehab

Trying to leave our little slice of America better than we found it!

My Home Depot Mobile Is Dead

January 5, 2013

Yes, you read that title correctly. My Home Depot mobile is dead. Let me explain. My perfect, wonderful, well-loved car is gone. A true legend is no more. We’d load him up with even the messiest home center materials. He loved every minute. 12-foot pieces of wood that hung out quite perilously out the back? No challenge for my car. A cubic yard of mulch. Countless plants and bushes teeming with wet soil.

#Big Issues #Car Troubles

2013 House Goals

January 2, 2013

Wow. Hey there, 2013. This year’s going to be a good year. (Sing that last sentence in the melody of Black Eyed Peas’ “Tonight’s Gonna Be a Good Night.") As I mentioned in my New Year’s post, I’m done with the monthly to-do list. Yes, I’ve only tried it once in November, and I had fun making it, but I knew at the end of the month that it wouldn’t work for me.

Would-Be New Year's Resolutions

January 1, 2013

In the spirit of New Year’s, I am tempted to make a resolution that will make me happier, thinner, clutter-less, more productive, or just plain better as a human being. However, I’m 27 years old, and a realist. I know that resolutions rarely stick (science has proven this, people) and as a result, I’m happy to produce a list of “Would-Be New Year’s Resolutions” … the things that might have worked given different temperaments or time frames, but just won’t work.

Organization = Love

December 31, 2012

With January quickly approaching, I knew I wanted to get a head start on some de-cluttering around the house. January is most famous for being a month of resolutions and fresh starts, and nothing says “fresh start” to me more than an organized home. We tend to hold on to so many physical “things” that keeping those “things” in line is often a struggle for many. See: Hoarders. I was motivated by the following - just taunting me as it lay there on the coffee table.

#Before & After

15 Miles From Home

December 21, 2012

Hey there - thanks for stopping in. I haven’t posted in quite some time, I know. I’m very aware of it. I had a post all set to go up last Friday when the shooting happened. It didn’t seem right to post it, and it still doesn’t feel right. Maybe it won’t ever feel right. How can I make light of my painting blunders when my heart is splintered? I’ve stopped my normally scheduled programming to get some things off my mind.

#Before & After

15 Minutes to Functionality: It's a Wrap

December 3, 2012

I’ve done one of these “15 Minutes to Functionality” posts before, when I organized my gardening space in the garage (the tiny space my husband allots me). Basically, I write these types of posts to share what I (and you!) can get done in 15 minutes. I’m digging it. It really works for me. Think about it: you have 15 minutes to kill at any given time of day, and the organizational possibilities are endless.

#Before & After

Living Room Window Treatments At Last!

December 3, 2012

After living with the one set of panels in the living room for way too long, we are in business with 3 full sets of living room curtains and I am one happy, happy girl. I bought a curtain rod on Amazon a couple of weeks back but didn’t read the description carefully enough (I’m very click happy on Amazon - so what?!) and ended up with a rod that was the right length but had “brushed nickel spheres” on the ends that were the size of my head.

Shoot Painting What You Have

November 29, 2012

When it came time to shop around for lamps for the guest room, I was rearing to go. I was fresh off a successful Target shopping spree (where I grabbed a new comforter, pillows, vase, pouf…) and I was itching for more. I hopped around Homegoods, Pier 1, Pottery Barn by day and trolled the internet at night. Okay, that sounds sooo creepy, but I was trolling for lamps, people. Lamps.

#Before & After #Painting

22 Outlets Later...

November 26, 2012

We are FIN! DONE! FINITO! with the almond colored outlets in the kitchen and are up to date with bright white outlets and covers. It makes such a difference. And ooooh, just check out that new kitchen color on the wall below. Still love it. After we paint a room, most recently the kitchen, we look at replacing the outlets as our reward. It’s the icing on the cake. (Then we have an actual piece of cake, of course.

#Before & After

New Kitchen Paint! Finally!

November 25, 2012

Remember back in April, when I painted the trim in the kitchen white and said that new paint for the walls was next on the list? Well, if you don’t remember, that’s what happened. The trim was painted white 7 months ago and it has taken us 7 months to get a color we love on the walls. 7 months, but it’s done. The kitchen is now a color I adore.

#Painting #Before & After

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