School House Rehab
Trying to leave our little slice of America better than we found it!August Vacation, Part 1
August 21, 2012
Matt and I were able to get away for a few days this past week. We headed out to Colorado to hang out with a bunch of family and friends for a long weekend that made for an incredible getaway! Our last 3 vacations were to Colorado. Clearly, we need to get out more. :) If you’ve read about our travels before, you might remember we were out in Colorado in March, as well.
The power of ______!
August 21, 2012
First and foremost, let’s get you some music to listen to while you peruse this post… Okay… that’s better. The power of love paint is incredible. Incredible! So is Huey Lewis, while we’re on the subject. But where was I? Paint. Right. For a small put out, you can transform absolutely _anything _with paint. In this case, I transformed my the gray, dreary baseboard radiators in my living room (that I’ve been living with for nearly 3 years, mind you) into crisp, white heaven.
Pumpkin picking (fingers crossed!)
August 20, 2012
It’s amazing when a bit of carelessness gives way to something awesome… I threw our rotten pumpkins from last fall into our neglected side yard, and now we have a healthy pumpkin plant! Or at least what I think is a healthy pumpkin plant – can anyone vouch for me? I can’t wait to see if we’ll be able to harvest anything this fall. If we get anything, I’m totally going with this idea my friend spotted on Pinterest last fall… the pumpkin mummy.
Sun salute
August 15, 2012
I caught this bee doing some morning yoga… either that or he’s making his case for Rio in 2016…
There once was a garden...
August 14, 2012
…that was an absolute nightmare and the bane of my existence. For nearly 3 (3!!!!) years. It drove me nuts, wild & crazy with dreams of making it simpler and neater looking. I would weed it out in hopes of planting something new, only to have it become overgrown again in days. There never seemed to be enough time in the day to get it done. Then spring rolled around and Matt and I had one of our beloved “do nothing weekends.
My addiction
August 13, 2012
Disclaimer: The pictures in this post are beyond awful. I’ll update them when I get some nice natural light streaming in. I’m on vacation for a few days this week while Matt is working. So naturally, like any sane woman playing the role of stay-at-home housewife for a few days, I went shopping. Specifically, rug shopping. I need to first give you some background on what Matt calls my “drug addiction.
Early August lull
August 5, 2012
My gardens are looking a little dreary lately, and I plan to fix that over the next year. I have mostly perennials dotting the yard, and for good reason. For starters, they don’t need to be watered every day. Perennials are pretty low-maintenance. They fill in and multiply each year…they’re easy! The only down-side to perennials is their lack of vibrancy. Boy, am I lacking some “oomph.” I have so much green and purple, but not much else.
Green Mountain Getaway
July 23, 2012
This past weekend was positively beautiful here in New England. The humidity and high heat of the last couple of weeks dropped and I was able to get out of Connecticut and head up into the Green Mountains of Vermont. My sisters and I had been organizing a big girls weekend for a while and the weather forecast had everyone itching to get up there! We had the fortunate opportunity to stay at a breathtaking property that belongs to family friends of ours.
A Rocky Situation
July 20, 2012
I have been enjoying a sweet staycation this week. I have the week off but Matt is working, so instead of taking a trip without him, I decided to get some much needed yard work done. I’ve been meaning to tackle the front gardens for some time now. Back in early April when I fertilized the plants, the rock border around the mulched gardens was holding it’s own. I had been collecting rocks from various yards (all people I know - I’m not a klepto, people) and placing them around the mulched gardens because I liked the look of it.
Our first harvest!
July 18, 2012
Matt and I both have vegetable gardening in our blood. That is, to say, that folks on both sides of our families enjoy tending a garden and reaping the rewards of a harvest. My dad has been really into it over the last few years. Maybe it’s his less taxing schedule. (Hello summers off and shorter hours!) Maybe it’s his somewhat newfound solitude. (Hello all three daughters out of the house!