School House Rehab
Trying to leave our little slice of America better than we found it!Bagel Office, Part 2
April 7, 2012
I was so happy with how the office was turning out that when it came time to tackle the daunting task of putting 4 coats of paint on the bookcase Matt built for me, I grabbed it by the horns. I was giddy from how great the white trim looked against the bagel and couldn’t wait to get that bad boy done and curing. For a week straight I would come home after work and prime and paint to my heart’s content.
Brightening my days
April 7, 2012
I came home on Thursday to find these beauts waiting for me on the front porch. I mentioned in the beginning of this post how our friends surprised me with an overnight stay last weekend, and this was the unnecessary “Thanks!” they sent. The tulips and irises arrived in an adorable, rustic-looking metal vase which looks so cool against our brick column in the kitchen. They are perfect. Thank you for your thank you, JMul!
Sunday sprucing
April 1, 2012
Since Saturday was a dreary day around here with showers and cold winds, I didn’t get outside to do any of the garden spruce-ups that were on the agenda. We opted to run some errands and stay in to catch up with the DVR a bit. I caught up on a little laundry and cleaning and we had no plans for the evening. Then I had a great surprise when our friends drove over from New York to dine and stay the night for an unplanned visit!
Bagel Office, Part 1
March 31, 2012
In the fall of this year, we will celebrate 3 years of home ownership. Our little baby is coming along slowly but splendidly. However, we noticed a trend along the way: we never finish one room… we tackle bits and pieces of each room and do so on a rotating basis. When we first moved in, we painted all of the rooms hastily and did the necessary upgrades that were essential to living.
The Halloween Massacre
March 28, 2012
Remember that October freakshow snowstorm that tore through the Northeast and ruined Halloween for millions of kids? Well, it ruined some things for a couple of grown-up kids I know, too. In our neck of the woods in Northern Fairfield County, we were covered with about 17 inches of the white stuff and were out of power for 6 days, give or take. Some parts of our little town were in the dark for over a week and it was major news for months.
I waaaant one!
March 28, 2012
I have admired garden stools since they started appearing in my circle (decor magazines/homes of friends) a few years back. They were originally used as extra seating in Chinese gardens as long as 1000 years ago, since Chinese homes were traditionally built around their courtyard or garden. I want one so badly, and have for some time, but I still haven’t pulled the trigger. I know they are a great way to add extra seating (which we desperately need in our tiny living room) or to use as an occasional table, and they come in all diferent colors and sizes, I still can’t picture one anywhere in my house.
I spy ___________
March 28, 2012
You’ve already heard my whole spiel here about how I love spring. “Blah blah” you’re saying… “we get it, move on to your next house project…” BUT FIRST (dun dun dun) a game of I Spy… Matt and I were running Griff around the backyard tonight after work and during a yard lap, Matt asked me if I saw what he saw in the back woods. Do you see it?
Hola, Primavera!
March 21, 2012
Spring is FINALLY here. Hallelujah! I loooooove spring. I have always loved seeing the new growth and life that accompanies this season and although I had never identified with a favorite season before owning a home, I’m ready to declare it now that I do! My favorite season is SPRING! Glorious, resplendent, uplifting, exciting spring! I have been so in awe this year of the daffodils and crocuses poking up from the ground towards the end of this past winter.
Step On Some Color
January 1, 0001
As I patiently* await my sprouting crocus and daffodil bulbs, I’ve been on the prowl for something to add some immediate color to the front porch. Our front porch is due for an overhaul this summer, but in the interim, I’m happy to spend a few bucks keeping it colorful. I tend to buy coir-type mats because they’re prevalent and readily available, but they wear out from season to season. Mine looks a bit worse for wear so let’s go shoppin’.